Zumwalt Poems Online

The irreplaceble moment

The irreplaceble moment

We passed a law that two things
must not occupy the same space
                           at the same time.

There were some dissenting votes
and much discussion about how to enforce.
Our representatives had to think of the interests of the constituents mainly,
which, in this case, coincided with the interests of the consituent assembly.

We, the people, needed to have a nice place to live.
We evicted the indigenous
making them all indigent
and our leaders sometimes evicted us
as a matter of common sense and expedience.

We, needed a way to move from place to place.
Metal mines swallowed eco-lifelines,
oil sputtered and splattered
coating the coast
from sea to shining sea.

We, needed something to eat.
Food replaced foul-tasting pests
with the help of
magical chemical tricks.
The fumes were awful
confining us to hospitals.
The country became prosperous
as the food became murderous.

My chainsaw spins and thus once again
repels all like things from its space.
It must create to destroy and destroy to create
following the inviolate rules of time and place.

My friends all slash and burn the best they can.
They may displace,
efface and even disgracefully debase nature’s very own birthplace
but it’s all to simply appropriate our formerly shared estate
and establish
through each on-demand phase of
tactically-driven blaze, graze and industrial haze their
own personal haste-makes-waste
state-of-the-art ahead-of-the-pace
profit-making showcase/workplace.

Yes, our life may be just a moment but
the damage we do by being a bit too clever lasts forever.

— Zumwalt (2011)

Comments on: "The irreplaceble moment" (21)

  1. So damn true. As Jesus said , God forgive them they know not what they do! Great poem really visual x


  2. We treat this Planet as if the bounty we get from it is endless. When we learn to the contrary we hide our heads in the sand and damn the consequences. When will we wake up? xPenx


  3. OK, this is it! This is the most fun, amazingly true, heartfelt poem I have see all week! Bravo! It is absolutely brilliant on every level! So many hard hitting truths here….. “coincided with the interests of the constituent assembly”……., “We evicted the indigenous
    making them all indigent”………, (not only true but an amazing play on those two words), “coating the coast from sea to shining sea”……., “They may dis-place, ef-face and even disgrace-fully de-base nature’s very own birth-place”……. (I didn’t think i could ever find anything more playful than this until I saw the following wordplay),

    “on-demand phase of
    tactically-driven blaze, graze and industrial haze their
    own personal haste-makes-waste
    state-of-the-art ahead-of-the-pace
    profit-making showcase/workplace.”

    Wow! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! You have a new follower! Looking forward to visiting again…..


  4. Most excellent poem. Imagery was fantastic and speaks the truth.


  5. pusherpen and poetofmidnight,

    Thanks very much for your comments!


  6. An excellent message here, wonderful imagery. Well written 🙂


  7. Amazing!! thank you for this great post.. its advice handled with precise and beautiful talent.. 😀


  8. really liked this!… and, oddly enough… I recently wrote of “moments” too… except, was a “moment of silence”… so, yeah, completely different… :/ =)


  9. Our plans for the future are somewhat dimmed when we destroy and waste so much. Thanks for your poem. Excellently written.


  10. So powerful and sadly true.


  11. Well done. Ditto the sentiment…


  12. a moment in time… (~_~)
    can corrupt the earth for a very long time…litter for a simple example

    bow humble


  13. This is so true! But you must know that already because several people have said that in their comment before me :p
    It really made me think about life and how people affect it 🙂


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